Each Central American country has their own regulations about this activity, but currency exchange on the street in Honduras is something to be very careful about. Once the moneychangers spot you, they will approach you eagerly in hopes of making money off of your needs. They are conveniently located everywhere from the parque central in the large cities to the airports and bus stations. But after hearing their exchange rate, always use the approximate 20-to-1 ratio to realize how much you might be paying (or losing) for this convenience. I have used them especially before crossing the border just to get rid of the bills that I no longer need. If the rate is too outrageous, then simply keep them for posterity or for you next trip to the country.

Credit Cards
Credit cards are generally accepted in larger businesses such as major supermarkets, department stores and hotels, but always keep in mind that many smaller businesses and family-run stores do not accept credit cards at all. Be prepared for a surcharge of up to 15 percent.
At the Airport: When arriving at the airport in either Tegucigalpa or San Pedro Sula, you have a choice of carrying your own bags from baggage claim or getting an eager skycap to carry them for you. If you choose to use their assistance, these handlers should receive US$1 per bag with no more than US$2 per bag for large, heavy items. U.S. dollars are always welcome and expected at the airport since many travelers have not had the opportunity to change their currency.
At the Hotel: For anyone handling luggage, follow the same rule as you would in the airport: No less than US$1 per bag and always give more for large, heavy pieces of luggage and for anyone looking like they are really "sweating it out" for you.
At the Hotel: For anyone handling luggage, follow the same rule as you would in the airport: No less than US$1 per bag and always give more for large, heavy pieces of luggage and for anyone looking like they are really "sweating it out" for you.

Car Parking: As I have mentioned in several other posts, there is no differentiation about this aspect of parking your car in Central America. There will always be someone willing to "watch your car" as you go into any business or shopping area. Despite their eagerness, I am still unsure if they actually watch your car the entire time, but at least it gives you some peace of mind, especially if you have a rental with a high deductible. Tipping them is definitely expected and the amounts should always be at least 10 lempiras for those who simply stand there near your car or more for ones who actually stop traffic on your way into the parking spot. Others will go as far as actually washing your car! In these instances, the more the better and you know that these guys really appreciate and need the money no matter how small.
They used to strike 1 and 2 centavo coins as well. You can still find them here and there, most readily at banks. If you look hard enough, you can find nice, clean, unscratched ones, maybe not mint, but still good. I'd been going to Honduras for 10 years before I ever even saw a 2 centavo coin; I hadn't known there even were such coins before. The 1 and 2 centavos are copper-colored; the 5 and 10 are gold-colored and the 20 and 50 are silver-colored. Some of the older 5s and 10s you might run across are silvery, though, like the 20s and 50s.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the information! Especially helpful to me was info about the skycaps I am an older female that will stay for 3 months, so paying a skycap to haul my 2 big heavy bags (one is a wheel-less duffel) to customs would be well worth it to me.